Monday, June 28, 2004

Attack of the Blogs

Okay, so why does it seem almost everyone i know is blogging now? Could it have something to do with the fact that i just got into it, so i'm really aware of it now? Or does it have more to do with the fact that just got into it, so i keep telling people, "You should start a blog. It's very cathartic." Whatever the reason, check out some of the links to Other Bloggers on this page. There are some very interesting thoughts and opinions among the folks i know ....


Anonymous said...

Uhm...err...uh...hon. You kinda late to the dance. I been at it almost a year and even I'm way behind the curve. You just discoverin' a new toy.

It's ok, baby. You still purty.

Now get a blog that don't make you hafta join nothin just to comment!

(U no hoo)

EJ Flavors said...

Blogging is excellent, and of course, like you said it's very instead of me blogging, i have so many more comments to put everywhere...can you say overwhelmed from the goodness of it all?

malik m.l. williams said...


To Mr. Anonymous: i do seem to remember when you started your blogging. I seem to remember you being excited about it too. Yeah, yeah, i'm late ... cut me some slack. LOL!!!

To Mr. EJ: get off the commenting kick and GET TO BLOGGING. I'm checking your page daily, bub, waiting to read the latest ...